To determine if the origin of music emerges in sound or somewhere else?Check out this page I stumbled upon, and scroll to the bottom section, "The Piano and the Constellations - Coincidence?" It seems I'm on the correct trail, lol. The RASC Calgary Centre - The Constellations: |
If sound is part of the "ether/space" that lays between and around the "elements/quanta," much like the interstitial fluid that surrounds our own body's cells?, then I wonder, "How long does the sound of music go on in the ether?" I also find it interesting to note that there are 12 notes in the octave, apparently derived from the most pleasing tones Ordinary Level Physics by A.F. Abbott (Author), Sir John Cockcroft (Foreword), and 12 apices in an Icosahedron. It is of note that early life, e.g., viruses, have this kind of symmetry. I've not tested this effect of sound on salt, but the following video looks pretty authentic, and may be why we all dance different to the same music. |
Sound comes from a tuning fork, although the guys in the video explain that because of frame speed and vibrations speed (Hz), what you see is not what is happening but something else, e.g., the ripples keep forming even though the tyne seems to stop moving, I think? But the experiment serves the purpose of demonstrating that waves occur in the liquid as a result of placing the vibrating tuning fork of known vibration into the liquid. String a few tuning forks together and we have a Dulcitone. There is even a tuning fork for the Universe, lol, courtesy of Edwin Hubble. |
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Sound also comes from vibrating strings, and the piano and guitar are two instruments that serve the purpose of demonstrating the origin of sound too. In this video we have a guitar strung with nylon strings being plucked either upward or downward, generating tones of one kind or another in the range of 70 Hz to 700 Hz (not counting harmonics): The Outcome of High Containment - Mike Garbutt |
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There are many musical scales to choose from, and Wikipedia has a vast list, however, as a beginner its probably best to choose something that you like to play. If for no other reason than to remain interested in learning to play. From the vast list at:, I've chosen the blues scale in the key of C (note there are no accidentals in the key signature right after the clef sign). I've been using Barbara Wharram's, "Elementary Rudiments of Music" for some time as a reference, but any book with scales and such should work. Check out the library or second hand book stores for a book that suits you. |
Life is the breath of God, and the mirror of illusion reflects us all in the spirit of the moment, and there is Nothing beyond reductionism, trust me, I'm a doctor of philosophy ; )