What's A Fractal ~ Something with enough Energy to Matter


The Genesis of the Global Genome begins in fractals & its easy to understand but not as easy to figure out or, grasp. ..

One's SPIRIT begins down around the Planck scale of things & ends in the Global Genome, then auto-matter-ically adapts as a nucleic acid based organism (NABO) to someone else's idea of a life, then dies with what's mattered. ..

Pop Quiz, lol

Who made You?

God made me : ))

Why did God make You?

Because I mattered to someone : ))

I matter because I cared & continue to care about the Facts of Matters that matter to me and anyone else who began in DNA for that matter. ..

Reconcile that into Symbiotic, Zoonotic & Azoic using Simplified English language why don't You?

Symbiotic = A real property with value and currency, for example, a friend demonstrating Caring, Understanding, Empathy, Compassion, Affection, Tenderness & Support towards you, as well as the other way around.

Zoonotic = Something to eat, for example solid food & education, social media, codes of conduct, et cetera.

Azoic = Something that doesn't matter = Something you would not hesitate to kill or maim!

A Friend is a Companion demonstrating CUECATS sensibility Caring, Understanding, Empathy, Compassion, Affection, Tenderness & Support.

In Olive's Garden, I begin in DNA & I am Michael Garbutt today ~ AKA Riff Vandal

Please lead by example, follow with respect, be at home with yourself and keep your guard up, tell the truth, support your position, stand your ground and watch your back too, take care, be kind and enjoy life, it's its own reward : ))

And please remember that there are only crimes and twists of fate : ))

Cheers, Mike Garbutt ~AKA~ Riff Vandal, January 25th 2025

What is

Homeostatic Symbiosis

Symbiosis = 2 humans, 2 tomatoes, 2 fish, where humans get along with humans, tomatoes get along with tomatoes and fish get along with fish, pretty much in some Edenic homeostasis or the tendency towards a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes.

Zoonosis = 2 humans, 2 tomatoes, 2 fish, where humans get along with humans but not so much tomatoes and fish because we eat tomatoes and fish and go on living, pretty much.

Azoic = A disease which can be transmitted from one species type to another species type AND the recipient of the disease does not matter to the dealer or affect the dealer's wellbeing, pretty much.

Please view the following video & drawing for example. ..

Ami Ami 2023

As we recreate ourselves every day, combining our resources in Art, Science, Practice, Experience, Knowledge, Technology and Beliefs, or ASPEKT-B, we must not only brace ourselves for the World as we try to be ourselves in this World of socio-economic disparity, such as it is, still, but we must also come to terms with our three options on any issue, acceptance, veto or compromise, leading towards a homeostatic symbiosis or peace, order and good governance, to use everyday terms. How we exercise these options will be dependant not only upon our lineage but also on our potential to lead, among other things.

At the cellular level, Life appears to begin in humans when the sperm meets the ovum. The sperm being about 2/1000ths of an inch in length while the size of the human ova is approximately 4/1000ths of an inch. Humans are approximately 60 inches in length, so this means we cannot see a sperm with the naked eye, as its about 1/30000th the size of us (60 X 1/500). This is a little over 4 orders of magnitude deep to the overt level of life we routinely encounter on a daily basis.

And it comes into play at the depths and breadth of existence as its know to date, the depths of the Planck scale of things or approximately a billion X a billion X a billion X a billion times smaller than the things we see overtly, between the "ends" of the electromagnetic spectrum, albeit shown to be smaller than the atomic nucleus in the illustration below. Also, I'm drawing a Border between Outer Space & The Global Genome of things at the emergence of Molecules, for example, "I begin in DNA & upon reflection appear as Michael (Mike) Garbutt aka Riff Vandal on facebook today."




I'd like to propose the origin of life as emerging from a FRACTAL, an artists sketch of a fractal is shown here:


Take care, and please lead by example, follow with respect, be at home with yourself and keep your guard up, tell the truth, support your position, stand your ground and watch your back too, take care, be kind and enjoy life, it's its own reward. And please remember that there are only crimes and twists of fate : )

Please contact Mike Garbutt at: riffvandal@mts.net about any of the above information, or simply help support Mike, and make a PayPal contribution today, thank you paypal.me/RiffVandal


A poem that epitomizes fractal architecture I reckon. ..

Sing a song of six pence, a pocket full of rye
4 & 20 black birds baked in a pie
When the pie was open, the birds began to sing
Wasn't that a dainty dish. ..

4 & 20 black birds baked in a pie = a group of black birds acting with "Imp Unity" appear to arrange themselves "auto-matter-ically" in Jet-like formation in the shape of huge black bird in the presence of a Hawk. Probably an innate or natural defence strategy?

When the pie was open, the birds began to sing = once the threat abates, the black birds auto-matter-ically begin acting once again with "impunity" and do what black birds do...

& a "pie" = a fractal, causing black birds to do what black birds are able to do auto-matter-ically or as a matter of course.

baked in a pie = black birds arrange themselves "auto-matter-ically" in Jet-like formation = a fractal for black birds I reckon, an "auto-matter-ical" occurrence. ..

The Science Behind Survival And Replication Syndrome (SARS)

Assembly and secretion of rubella virus-like particles in mammalian cells - Michael Garbutt's M.Sc. Thesis

Michael Garbutt's peer reviewed publications

Michael Garbutt's Certification

Music With Mike Garbutt

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Please contact Mike Garbutt at: riffvandal@mts.net for music performance work, music recording work, web site design work, (administration and the like), and please support Mike's evolving endeavour of survival and replication syndrome, or simply help support Mike by making a PayPal donation today, just to test the button out if for no other reason ; ) paypalme/RiffVandal Thank you : )

Take care, Mike -AKA- Riff Vandal